We offer the highest quality products and customer service while saving our customers money and make a positive contribution to our environment.
As a renewable source of energy and free of cost, sunlight offers the best deal with solar water heating systems.
South Africa is a hot country and provides adequate conditions to make the most of the solar water heating device to reduce our dependence of other types of fuels. The system works all year round and cuts down your electricity bills and carbon dioxide emission. Savings as high as 60% of the total electricity bill have been recorded!
The systems improve the energy security and contributes to green and healthy environment. Last but not the least, The Solar King water heating systems offer relatively good payback period of 2 - 3 years with low maintenance cost. Most home owners are able to install a complete solar water heating system by financing via their home loan (access bond) or via a home improvement loan. The monthly repayment amount is generally covered by the amount saved on your monthly electricity bill.